We love our home in Panama and are always waiting in anticipation for our next adventure. Having been in the United States for the Christmas and New Year holidays, another trip north was not on our radar. While we visited during the holidays, we were realizing the opportunity for investment in Florida real estate. My sister, Melinda is an agent in Punta Gorda where she and my dad both now live. She was telling us of the thousands of people who are relocating to Florida because of the positive handling of the COVID crisis and the particularly good political environment. With the huge influx of people relocating there the real estate industry has almost no inventory. I mentioned to her that we were anxious to get some of our money out of the stock market and park it in a hard asset. I asked that she keep her eye out for something that may meet our need in the way of a condo. In May she contacted us with a possibility.
The condo that she found for us was in our price range and showed pride of ownership. The systems and appliances were all recently updated, and it was recently repainted top to bottom. She immediately gave us a video tour and we made an offer. We were competing with other potential buyers, but our offer was cash with a guaranteed 15 day close. The elderly seller was happy to accept our offer which gave her a quick easy closing. We waited for the inspection report, which revealed almost no issues, and booked our trip to Florida to close on our new investment.
We did our own final inspection the day before our closing and found it to be very much what we expected. It is less than 15 minutes from my dad and my sister in nearby Port Charlotte. We found it to be very convenient to restaurants, shopping, churches, and the harbor. The community is quiet, and our neighbors were very welcoming.

We settled in and did a little redecorating. We prepared the unit for a potential tenant during the high season in Florida. We equipped it with fresh linens and replaced the small appliances in the kitchen. We purchased cookware and a couple of pieces of furniture. By the time we were through it proved to be wonderfully comfortable.
By the time we left to return to Panama we had secured a tenant for the high season and are pleased with our new investment.
While we were in Florida, we were terribly busy. We registered to vote, got drivers licenses, celebrated a couple of important birthdays, helped my dad with a project, celebrated Father’s Day, and got our COVID shots. In addition to all of that we made sure that everything worked properly in the condo. We also made a trip to Michigan to visit with friends and family.
I wanted to report on the vaccination process in Panama, but had we waited for our turn to get it here we would still be waiting. The process in Florida was quick, free, and simple. We made our appointment at Walgreens and the process caused us no stress whatsoever. By the way, it is important to note that when we were returning to Panama, we got our COVID test free at Walgreens as well. That process also requires an appointment, but it was also easy. We made the appointment on-line and were directed to go through the pharmacy drive through at our appointed time. Once there, they passed the swabs through the window, and we were instructed how to swab ourselves. Another important note here is that neither of us had any side effects from the vaccine. I know that there is much controversy regarding the vaccine, however we did our own research and made the informed decision that it was right for us to vaccinate. We got the Pfizer vaccine, and we both agree that we feel much safer having gotten it.
When we arrived in Florida it was Memorial Day weekend, and every place was hopping. The first thing that we noticed was that mask wearing was nearly non-existent. With the majority of the Florida population vaccinated the mask mandate is optional. It was not hard to get used to NOT wearing a mask everywhere. We still exercised caution until we got our second shot. I got some great pictures over the long weekend.

It was that first weekend that we celebrated my dad’s wife Renee’s and Jen’s birthdays. We went to a Carmelo’s Italian Restorante in Punta Gorda (Renee’s favorite) and had an awesome celebration with the whole family.

You may imagine that that first full week was perhaps the busiest of all with closing on the condo and getting it equipped. The truth is that it was perhaps the easiest of the 5 weeks we spent on the ground.
The second full week we flew to Michigan, rented a car and couch surfed around the state visiting friends and family. Our first couple of days we spent at my mom’s house in Cedar Springs. She and Rich were gracious hosts, and it was a thrill to have the opportunity to see their new house. Mom planned a BBQ for Hope and family which was so nice. The rest of our stay we visited and relaxed.

By the beginning of the third day, we were on the road to Jen’s brother’s house on the east side of the state in Clarkston. Bill and Deb also did a great job of showing us a good time. They planned a cook-out and invited all of Jen’s local family. That gave us the opportunity to see and visit with our nephews, Cullen, Donovan, Connor, and Connor’s wife Olivia. After dinner they staged an impromptu book signing that was so cool. I remain honored by the love and support that family has shown for my book.
Check out future newsletters for some great individual fan photos that I got while on the trip. If you are not getting my newsletter on Monday mornings, and would like it, sign up here. You will see the archive page of past newsletters. Scroll to the bottom for the sign-up. I have been working hard to improve the newsletter since returning to Panama. While traveling we ran into some technical challenges that caused me to miss a few weeks, but we are back on track now.
After a couple of days with Bill and Deb we ventured to our old stomping grounds and visited with our good friends Linda, Ron, Ray, and Diane. We had a nice dinner with the four of them at Black Rock in Kalamazoo.

We had a wonderful meal and spent some much-needed time catching up. Later in weekend Diane and Ray hosted us for a great dinner and boat ride at their place. Mom and Rich came down and we all relaxed and had a great day. On Sunday we returned to Florida.
I addition to boring you all to death with the details of our month, I wanted also to provide valuable information. Post COVID, rental cars are in noticeably short supply across the United States. If you find yourself in need of a rental, be prepared for the price. Our rental car in Michigan for a week with limited mileage was nearly $500. When in Florida we were able to use my dad’s car. Our initial estimate to rent a car for the whole stay in the states was nearly $3,000. That was cost prohibitive for us. When I complained about the exorbitant rental car costs at the rental counter, the clerk would only say that they were unable to get new cars because of manufacturers shortages. She told me that they sold a lot of cars during the pandemic.
For me, the pinnacle of our visit to the states was the wonderful Father’s Day celebration. Our kids started arriving in Florida on Wednesday, and by Friday night all 3 girls and all 4 grandkids were there for the celebration. Jen and I vacated the condo and let them have run of the place.
Friday, we took everyone to the Shell Factory in North Fort Myers. We did not know exactly what to expect, but I think it was a great time for all the kids. First, we went to the animal preserve where all the kids were able to get up close and personal with many of the animals. After that we had a great lunch, played mini golf, ziplined, and toured the gift shop.

Between all the other events we had plenty of time in the pool at the condo. We also had a great pizza party, went to Gatorz, and checked out the Peace River Wildlife Refuge. On Saturday the kids went to Gilchrist Park with a photographer to have a family picture taken for dad and I. They managed to have the pictures developed and framed to give us at our Father’s Day luncheon.

On Father’s Day my sister arranged our luncheon at Laishley’s Crab House. We all had a nice time with great food, followed by a trip to the beach at Ponce De Leon Park where we grabbed some more awesome pictures. This time was super special for my dad and I as we rarely have this whole crew together in one place. In addition to the picture of the kids and grandkids, I got a subscription to Story Worth. They are sending me a writing prompt every Monday. I will be writing on the weekly prompts and returning the work to Story Worth where they will put the whole thing in a book at the end of the year. I guess I am writing my 2nd book. I am still trying to decide if any of it will end up in future blogs or newsletters. Let me know what you think! If a Story Worth subscription is something that interests you for yourself, or a gift, see tomorrow’s newsletter for a link to a valuable coupon.

When all the kids left and the dust settled, Dad and Renee took Jen and I to the Elk’s Club for Chicken and karaoke. We enjoyed the setting on the Peace River while listening to some of the most talented people I have ever heard sing karaoke. These people were so good that I almost forfeited my chance to sing. At the end of the day, I did sing as the sun was setting over the Peace River. Thank-you dad and Renee for hanging around and treating us to a great time while I waited to sing.

When it came time to go home to Panama, we were both excited to sleep in our own bed. I was asked what the first thing I wanted to do when I got home after 39 days away was. I had a hard time coming up with a response. There were so many things I missed. I think mostly I just wanted a $5 haircut from my favorite barber and to start planning our next big adventure. Finally, I think we are going to make it to the archeological site near Penonome’. Stay tuned.

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Greg and Jen