One of the highlights of my month is attending my Write Along workshop. A group of us gather monthly to write together and critique the work of one another. We have an established, safe space to work and share. The group agrees never to share the work of another writer. Privacy is the safety net for doing some great writing and enjoying the company of other great writers.
The workshops are facilitated by Lyndi Allison who is in the final stages of publishing her first full length novel. Her novel is a work of fiction that has been written for the enjoyment of young teens. It is science-fiction fantasy and will be the first in a series. Lyndi is a retired educator from Canada. She has been offering writing workshops in Panama at Tranquilo Retreat for several years. Tranquilo Retreat is a place designed to welcome writers and inspire the creative juices needed to create great work.

While the retreat is a great place to write, it was the vision of Lyndi to host a workshop out in nature. Our small group took the challenge and made a short hike to the Filipina Falls near Altos Del Maria here in Panama. The falls inspired us all to write from a different perspective. We all felt that nearness to nature was a special treat for our workshop this past week. The workshop went so well that we are talking about taking the next one to the beach.

I have to be incredibly careful here not to defy the confidence of the other writers in the group. We all write with the understanding that what is said in Write Along stays in Write Along. There are rare times when a piece is so special that the writer gives permission for his or her work to be shared. That was the case with the piece I am going to share below. Lyn Gilbert who is my friend, adventure buddy, and one of the others who participate in our monthly workshops, wrote this after being inspired by the nature all around the falls.
When we gather to write, the facilitator, Lyndi, provides us with a prompt to get things started. We are free to use the prompt provided or write something different. At times I will write something that can be used later for a blog or newsletter post. Generally, though, I write to the prompt, as do most of the others.
When we arrived at the trailhead, we were met by several very friendly dogs who lead us to the falls and spent the entire morning with us before leading us back. Once at the falls, we all settled on the rocks at the base of the falls, close enough to enjoy the cool mist emanating from the water pouring down. Lyndi brought along a batch of her incredible homemade muffins which we enjoyed while chatting about the release of her book. When the time came to write Lyndi provided a prompt. The first prompt of the workshop was a fill in the blank, I never expected…. Lyn’s piece was the one I am sharing below.

I never expected it to be so all encompassing. The last year of our lives it has taken over everything, from our thoughts to our actions. Everything we do, feel, or say seems to evolve around COVID. People have lost friends and family, but not due to the actual illness, but because of uncertainty, politics, and fear. It has been the deciding factor in every aspect of our lives, where we go, when, what we do, and how we dress. But the worst of it is the feelings it has brought on…confusion, frustration, angst, fear, anger, and loneliness.
Sitting here next to this beautiful waterfall, watching the clear water with the yellow leaf floating by one can almost feel a world away from all of the uncertainty. Nature brings us back, it grounds us. We feel free and can breathe again. –Lyn Gilbert
In my weekly newsletter I explain that my feelings are each of us must take responsibility for our own health. We must do what we feel is right when it comes to going out, masking, and enjoying life. I hope you all get the newsletter and are enjoying it. I have tried to keep it short enough each week as not bore you, but long enough to pass on valuable deals and information. I have made a conscious decision to discontinue talking about COVID, including providing the weekly COVID report in my newsletter. If that report is important to you, it appears daily in the All Things Coronado Facebook group. Click the link to join the group. If you are missing the newsletter in your e-mail, perhaps you are not subscribed to the blog. It is free to blog subscribers and the archives are on the bar on the header above. If you find it interesting and informative subscribe to the blog on the right sidebar. I will never spam you or share your information.
The next writer’s event is open to anyone interested. Lyndi Allison, Diane Maxwell and I will be sharing our experience publishing our books. The event is at Tranquilo Retreat on April 1, 2021. Contact Lyndi to secure your space.
Diane Maxwell has launched her book which is available on Amazon and Kindle. She is having a launch event and signing at Picasso on March 30,2021 at 5PM.
Lyndi will launch her book on April 15, 2021 at 7PM along with another author. Contact her to register for the on-line event.
Buy my book at Amazon or on Kindle by clicking here.

When an expat wants to buy a new car, the process can be overwhelming. I told my friend Marc Vargas that Jen and I were interested in upgrading our vehicle. I told him what we were looking for and our budget. I told him that I was interested in purchasing only if he could locate a good car at a good price. Marc eventually found a great car for us and we moved forward with the purchase. Buying a car in a foreign country is nothing like buying in the United States. I recommend Marc here in Panama because he can navigate the process and make sure that you are doing everything properly. Transferring the money and title, getting the plate transferred, and inspections are difficult, even if you know what you are doing.

After the purchase, Marc helped us find a new home for our Nissan. We were sorry to see the old car go, but Marc again came through and found it a new home with an expat couple who will love and care for it as much as we did.
One of the best things about living in Panama is the eternal summer. Jen and I came to Panama for the consistently great weather and desirable cost of living. Living abroad does not come without challenges, and it is not for everyone. I started writing this blog to keep friends and family aware of what we were doing in retirement. The blog has turned into something that people all over the world are looking for on a regular basis. It has inspired the book by the same title and the newsletter that comes out weekly. I try my best to provide clear concise information about living as an expat couple. Many of you find the blog by visiting our Facebook page also by the same name. Many of you subscribe by e-mail and for that I thank you. Still others just happen upon it. Please help me out by liking and sharing the blog posts. This helps others find it.
One of the greatest compliments we get is being contacted by readers. We have been contacted by numerous people who are on the same journey. Often, they pass through the area and we get together. Some have even become our friends and neighbors here in Panama. A few weeks ago, a lady contacted Jen. She had found the blog and bought my book. She asked about our hometown in the States. Turns out she was neighbors with a relative of mine and she recognized our name. They raised their family just minutes from where I grew up and their children attended the same school where I attended. They have recently retired and are making their exploration trip next month. We will be able to meet in person when they pass through Coronado. Another small world story that I thought you may enjoy.
I have been blessed to have many people share their fan photos with me, and for that I am also appreciative. If you enjoyed the book, and are willing, I would love to get a selfie from you. You can share it on Facebook or send it by e-mail. I will use it in an upcoming newsletter.
Blessings from paradise,
Greg and Jen